La banda del paese e i maggiori premi internazionali, la campagna sarda e i dischi, la scoperta del jazz e le mille collaborazioni, l'amore per le piccole cose e Parigi. Esiste davvero poca gente capace di mettere insieme un tale abbecedario di elementi e trasformarlo in un'incredibile e veloce crescita stilistica.

Paolo Fresu c'è riuscito proprio in un paese come l'Italia dove - per troppo tempo - la cultura jazz era conosciuta quanto Shakespeare o le tele di Matisse, dove Louis Armstrong è stato poco più che fenomeno da baraccone di insane vetrine sanremesi e Miles Davis scoperto "nero" e bravo ben dopo gli anni di massima creatività.

La "magia" sta nell'immensa naturalezza di un uomo che, come pochi altri, è riuscito a trasportare il più profondo significato della sua appunto magica terra nella più preziosa e libera delle arti.

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The village marching band and the most important international awards, the Sardinian countryside and the albums, discovering jazz and his many collaborations, his love of small things and Paris. There are not many people capable of putting together such a diverse array of elements and turn it into such an incredible and fast stylistic growth. 

Paolo Fresu succeeded in a country like Italy where, for too long, jazz was famous just like Shakespeare or Matisse paintings, Armstrong was little more than a freak show and Miles Davis was acknowledged well after his creative peak. The magic lies in the spontaneous way in which he managed to convey the deepest meanings and magic of his native land with the most precious of the arts.
At this stage of his successful and long career there is no need to list recordings, awards and experiences that have made Fresu an international star, his music loved by many. Inside his trumpet sound runs the sap that has illuminated the European jazz nouvelle vague,  the depth of a thought that doesn’t limit itself to music, his generosity that sees him in the right place at the right time and most of all the unending passion that always leads him.

Discover Paolo Fresu's official Youtube channel